Sunday, December 13, 2015

2016 Guiding Words

Over the last few years I gave up making resolutions for the New Year and instead adopted an idea from #GetGutsy's Jessica Lawlor to select 3 word to focus on and guide me through the year. I have found that I hold myself accountable to those words more than I ever did to resolutions. I use them as a gut check to be sure I am still on the right track. I ask myself regularly if I am being honest to those words. As it turns out some years are better than others.

My words for 2015 were strength, simplify, and focus. Admittedly, I have done some of these well and others not so well. When I looked back on the reasons I chose those words I feel confident saying I hit 1 out of 3. I was successful in simplifying my life this year. The new house, the new job and an effort to really honestly consider what I gave my energy to absolutely simplified the chaos. The good news is that the other words don't judge me for not living up to their importance, they still support and encourage me every day. I am grateful for all the help in 2015, even if it wasn't one of those years where I feel I gave them my all.

The time is here though to leave them behind and head into my 2016 words.

Without further ado, here they are: Mindfulness, Follow Through (2 words but you can't have one without the other right) and Aloha.

The world is such a busy place. I feel distracted and a little scatter brained many days. I want to listen more and talk less (oh hush, I know you are all thinking this will be a challenge for me but hey I need to try right). Lately I find when it is quiet I need to make noise. I no longer take comfort in moments of silence. This year I will search out moments of silence daily.

Follow Through 
I am fairly good at doing this for work and on commitments I make to others however I am not so good for myself. I want to make this year the year I follow through on things I have been talking about for years. I want to follow through my commitment to my health, steps I have started but let go to the wayside. Follow through to learning Spanish, something I have said I wanted to do since the Hubby and I got married. Follow through on becoming a better writer, it is a professional skill I have identified as a weakness years ago and I need to stop making excuses and just do it. Finally, investing time and energy into planning for the future. The Hubby and I talk a lot about how we want that to look, but talk only gets you so far and I am Type A, I need a plan. I find that it is easy for me to make excuses to not follow through on these things because I am only accountable to me and previously I have been alright with that, 2016 will be different.

While it is no surprise to many that something Hawaiian influenced has shown up on my list, this one has more to do with simply my love of the place or desire to go back there. This one has to do with how to live life on a daily basis. The aloha spirit is one of living life with love, kindness, respect and compassion. There is so much in this world I can't control, but what I can control is how I treat the people around me. A little bit of love and kindness, respect and understanding, from each of us makes such a difference in the world today and I want to do my part with a conscious effort this year.

There you have it, my 3 words for 2016.

So, what are your New Year's traditions? Do you make a to-do list, set goals, or make resolutions? If you had to pick three words to define your year, what would they be?

1 comment:

  1. Wow very insightful. I thoroughly enjoyed this and it got me thinking. I will have to think on this.
