Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Me thinks...

...that some on scene blogging may need to take place here next year. I mean really an event just for brats, what could be better? Oh wait, I know what could be better, it is in the fall and I bet I could find some squeaky cheese and beer to go with it. Heaven on earth for sure!

Monday, October 4, 2010


          I woke up this morning thinking to myself "holy crap it is cold in here and it is still dark outside. Is it possible I slept right through fall?" Good news though, I didn't, and it is still fall! The last few days the weather has been wonderful here. I wish we could just push the pause button and it would stay like this for a while since Alabama doesn't do the whole 4 seasons thing real well.
          I love fall and everything fall has to offer. I have such great memories of falls back in Wisconsin. Back home we would be out at the pumpkin patch, eating caramel apples, and playing in the hay barn. I haven't been able to do much of that here, but I have a mission to change at least some of that this year. Fall activities are pretty much the same no matter where you live, just with minor variations. I can pretty much do everything I loved to do back home here except go apple picking. Apparently Alabama does not have great soil for apple trees which makes me a little sad but I can drive just a couple hours towards NE Tennessee and North Carolina if I really feel the need to do manual labor and pick my own apples. I can however make life easy and go to the farmers market for the apples and make caramel sauce to eat them with - YUM!
          I love that when fall sets in it just means we all want to get up and enjoy being outside before the cold sets in. Fall festivals are a great for this and they always seem more enjoyable to me than the summer ones. People are happier, there are less bugs, and you can be out longer before you die of sweltering Alabama heat. Everywhere I have lived has had fall festivals and they are not to be missed. It is a great opportunity to wear your favorite team's fleece hoodie outside of the house or in my case, to pull out my black boots and a warm turtleneck and look like I actually belong in the season.
          One of my all time favorite fall foods has to be Caramel Apple Pie in a Paper Bag (CAPIAPB). DOOD it is amazing! If you are back in Wisconsin go here and get some pie, seriously! I was lucky enough this past weekend to be in St. Louis and some great friends hooked me up, so I have had my fill this year, phew cuz that would have been a problem. 
          My list of reasons why I love fall is long and could go on a really long time, so rather than put everyone to sleep I am just going to go enjoy the fall evening with happy thoughts of CAPIAPB and hope you do the same!