Saturday, September 6, 2014

Still Searching

It is my favorite time of year (well almost). Labor day is over, football has started and pumpkin spice lattes have arrived. As soon as the temperature drops we can officially say Fall is here and it is truly my favorite time of the year. Growing up in Wisconsin Fall meant hayrides, apple picking, visits to the pumpkin patch, trips to Holy Hill during the peak of the color change, hours in the deer stand, and caramel apple pie in a bag. Sadly, it also means many months of cold and snow are around the corner. That snow and cold is one of the main reasons I moved away. For anyone who knows me, i am a weenie when it comes to being cold. You can expect loud whines, many layers of long underwear and requests for hot beverages when the temperature drops below 60! Fall is the one time of the year I really miss Wisconsin. Alabama is where I call home now but Fall in Wisconsin has a special place in my heart and I usually get a bout of homesickness this time of year. I have found many events and activities I look forward to throughout the year here but for some reason there just isn't something I have found yet this time of year that makes me feel the same way as Fall in the midwest does. So Southern friends, help me out here. What is your favorite thing you do to enjoy fall (and please don't say college football - we all know that isn't my thing.)

1 comment:

  1. Pumpkin patches for sure, especially now that laurel can enjoy them too!
