Yep it is true, it has been a few years since I have opened up my blog to write and I have missed it, but I am back. In fact, I have come to miss a lot of things lately. Have you ever felt like you have just lost your way and one day you look in the mirror and you aren't sure who the person is looking back at you or how it got there? Yes, I know that is a dramatic statement but that seems to be my thing as of late. There are parts of me hiding somewhere that I happen to like very much but seem to be hiding lately and no matter how hard I try I can't make them appear. Yes, there is that drama again. There is good news to this story though, things are changing and I like change.
The last few weeks life has changed in many ways. I have had my eyes opened to the very harsh reality that people can really f*cking suck. That people you thought were trustworthy aren't and that sometimes there actually isn't a payoff to hard work. BUT and this is a big BUT (totally did that on purpose) I have also seen people rally around those they care about, seen miracles happen and I have been reminded that all that matters in this world is the relationships we have with people. And you know what, some people out there are pretty freaking amazing! I am going to ask you to stop reading right here and say a quick prayer of thanks. Be thankful for those relationships you have in your life, they are truly a blessing and you never know when they will be taken from you.
So about that change I mentioned before that little detour. For those that know me, you know that I don't do New Year's Resolutions but instead I make to - do lists. I tried something new this year and I made my list but I also picked 3 words that I wanted to shape my year. Shout out to Jess Lawlor for this #getgutsy idea! My 3 words this year are courage, commitment and adventure and I am doing ok on them so far. They have led me to accept a PT lecturer position at a local college this fall and join a board to get more involved with my community. Just having these new things to focus my energy on has been a great way to start seeing those pieces of me that I actually like out and about again. I love a challenge, I love learning and I love to meet new people. True story of this, while on travel earlier this summer I came out of the airport bathroom chatting with a very nice lady and The Hubby made a comment about not being surprised that I would make friends even in the airport bathroom. What can I say, I am chatty! I also decided that it was time for me to come back here again. I spend so much time marketing and working in social that I have come to feel like I don't even know how to be me on my own social pages. I am busy worrying about who will see what I have to say, if I will be judged for it and feeling like it is a waste of time and I am not getting much out of it but yet feeling like I had a lot to say. So here I am! This is my blog, I can write what I want right? I can't make a commitment for how often I will be here but I will be courageous and honest in how I am feeling when I am here. Life truly is an adventure and I am excited to see where it goes tomorrow!